CADD BIM CENTER| Best BIM CENTER in Lucknow – India

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
MSEME Certified


What is Scripting?

Scripting is a specialised training program designed to teach participants the fundamentals of scripting and automation in the context of computer-aided design and building information modeling (BIM). The course focuses on empowering students with the skills and knowledge to create custom scripts and automate repetitive tasks in software commonly used in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry, such as AutoCAD, Revit, Dynamo, and more.

Why is this course important?

  • Efficiency and Productivity: Scripting allows participants to learn to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, significantly increasing efficiency and productivity in the design and documentation process.
  • Customisation and Flexibility: By learning scripting, participants can learn to tailor their software tools to suit their specific needs, enabling customisation and flexibility in their workflows.
  • Error Reduction: Custom scripts can help minimise human errors that often occur during manual tasks, resulting in more accurate and reliable project data and outputs.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: Scripting enables users to tackle complex design challenges and data manipulations, opening up new possibilities for innovative solutions.
  • Who is it used by?

  • Architects and Engineers: Professionals in the AEC industry can benefit from the course to streamline their workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and create custom tools to enhance their design process.
  • BIM Managers and Coordinators: BIM managers and coordinators can attend the course to learn how to develop custom scripts and tools to standardise processes and improve collaboration among team members.
  • Drafters and Designers: Drafters and designers can enhance their skill set by learning scripting, enabling them to create efficient and dynamic design solutions.
  • For Enrollment

    Take a step ahead towards a rewarding career in architecture, where best knowledge is aligned with latest technological practices. Register now to build your future in the realm that merges art, science and innovation

    +91 7619019090

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